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Worship With Us

We are fortunate to worship in a unique location – Wellspring on Main. When we gather in this space, we are reminded that the church is not a building but, rather, a community working together to embody the Gospel message and cultivate a personal relationship with God.


We mean it when we say all are welcome.


Come as you are and know that you are invited to participate fully in the mass. We are here to answer any questions and – most of all – are eager to get to know you as a loved child of God.

Planning Your Visit


Our regular service is Sunday Eucharist at 10:00 a.m. There is time before and after to enjoy coffee and get to know other members. Casual dress is welcome as are suits and dresses. Come as you are.


Children of all ages are welcome for all or part of the service. In fact, we frequently offer a special sermon or other participation opportunities including an invitation for children (and those young at heart) to accompany the final hymn with rhythm instruments. If you have children under six, they may, instead, choose to stay with our nursery caregivers (on the second floor).


After the service, you and your children may wish to join a Sunday School class, which is about an hour long. Study topics vary, but they do not usually require preparation.

Upon Arriving at the Church

The lobby serves as our greeting and gathering place. You'll find a table with name tags for visitors, which lets us know that you may need help finding the nursery, bathrooms, or seating. Many parish regulars wear permanent name tags as well. Please fill out a visitor card so we can keep in touch. Our newcomer minister is happy to answer any questions and show you around our worship space.


Before entering the church, be sure to get a Service Order Bulletin. There are other informative pieces displayed on the welcome table.

Participating in Worship


The Service Order Bulletin will guide your worship. The service and hymns come from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), which is provided in booklet form.


Observance of the Eucharist has a standard form, but on special occasions, things might vary. Because we do not have kneelers, many of us stand for all prayers and hymns. However, some prefer to sit during certain prayers. All practices and levels of participation are welcomed.


Beginning with the front, ushers will invite each row to come forward so that the Priest and chalice bearers can distribute the Communion elements.


Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

Wellspring on Main (former Arlington Museum of Art)

201 W. Main Street
Arlington, TX 76010




Monday – Thursday
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.





We'll be in touch soon!

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